Ford Dealer near Roanoke TX

What is it about our Ford dealer near Roanoke, Texas, that allows us to provide exacting, attentive service to local drivers? Well first, it helps to have a devoted staff, traits that extend to each member of our Sam Pack’s Five Star Ford of Lewisville family. Second, our various online resources give you the chance to progress through a car search, or hammer down your budget, from any location.

In general, we’re always thinking of ways to improve our support of local drivers. Here’s a quick overview of what we currently have in place!

Our Ford Lineup

Ford is doing a lot of exciting things with their model lineup. Our dealership can stock every Ford you might be interested in testing out. It’s also a good idea to keep an eye on the new models Ford develops over the coming years, especially their all-electric lineup.

Certain electric models such as the Ford Mustang Mach-E are already out. The Ford F-150 Lightning is another electric option, one based on the timeless Ford F-150 truck.

Gas-powered cars are still around as well. The classic Ford Mustang is ready and waiting for those who savor the power of muscle cars. SUVs are in abundance, too, whether you want something compact like the EcoSport or something that can carry people and cargo like the Ford Explorer.

Our online inventory works in unison with our reviews and comparison articles to provide a well-rounded understanding of every Ford model. Any additional questions you have about a model can be directed to our staff. And if you want to be kept in the loop when new electric vehicles debut, we’ll be happy to provide updates for you.

Ford Lineup Ford Edge

Ford Finance and Service Plans

Do you have finance questions? Are you looking for a spot to service your Ford? Just turn to our Ford dealership.

Our finance center is a streamlined facility where experts deliver first-rate support for local drivers. We’ll gladly go over various finance options with you, offering advice where you need it. With the online pre-approval form, you have the chance to start this process from the comfort of your home.

Our service shop, which you can book visits to online, will have your Ford back on the street quickly. We’ve already mastered Ford models, so we’re well prepared for any type of maintenance or upkeep your vehicle might require.

A Ford Dealer near Roanoke, Texas

The Roanoke Visitor Center and Museum, the Cannon Parkway Park, and the Hawaiian Falls Roanoke seasonal water park are three easy stops to make when visiting Roanoke, TX. The town feels much larger than the roughly 10,000-person population suggests. If you have a Ford in hand, you can explore the various attractions nearby or even go for an off-roading stint on one of the local trails.

Wherever it is you plan on venturing to next, be sure your travels start with a model from Sam Pack’s Five Star Ford of Lewisville. Contact us with any questions at our Ford dealer near Roanoke, TX!